A large part of being a successful business owner is knowing how to make deals and facilitate conflict when it arises.
When in a dispute over a deal or an agreement that has been made, the potential costs are endless. The potential cost of litigation, the potential cost of loss of reputation, the potential cost of the energetic drain from the conflict.
What do you need to know about conflict to mitigate these costs?
First and foremost, remember that costly conflict most often arises because the agreement process was not properly handled to begin with.
The ideal time to surface conflicts is in the beginning of a relationship by creating clear boundaries and expectations, using the agreement process.
The best agreement process will support both parties to share the parts of themselves they may typically hide while making an agreement while, at the same time, asking the hard questions they may not ask.
It’s often difficult to see the things we are hiding when making agreements, or to ask the challenging questions, and that’s why it’s so helpful to have a trusted advisor support you each time you are entering into an agreement with anyone, whether it be a new team member, a business partner, or a strategic partner.
When the agreement process is used to create each of your agreements, and before you ever finalize a deal of any type, the number of expensive business disputes you will have will be greatly diminished, if not eliminated completely.
No one wants to end up in a dispute. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce your chances of conflict in the future. To start, find a trusted legal professional who will help you put protective measures in place to avoid the most common mistakes businesses make. That’s why we're here to help you face the challenges of owning a business.
We help small business owners negotiate settlements and channel their time and energy toward growth and potential instead of putting out fires. We’ll begin by sitting down to discuss how you can implement a robust legal, insurance, financial, and tax system that will streamline your business operations and minimize your risk of encountering contract disputes.