At Quraishi Law Firm & Wealth Management, your satisfaction is our top priority. Read these testimonials to see what our clients have to say about our estate planning services, unique VIP Client Care Program, and innovative approach to combining core elements of the financial and legal worlds under a single umbrella.

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  • 5 stars
    Carrie and her team have helped me with my family estate multiple times now. They are great and provide excellent direction. I would highly recommend them!
    John W
  • 5 stars
    Carrie & her team are amazing. They addressed all of our questions and concerns and have helped us in many instances when we needed legal help for close friends and family members in need in a very timely manner. Also most importantly they have helped us get the most comprehensive Estate Plan & Wills I have ever seen or heard of. They thought of things, very important things, that even we hadn’t thought of. My husband and I definitely feel more at ease knowing that all we have worked so hard for is taken care of in the manner we have always intended for them to be. If you haven’t had your estate plans and wills made yet, go see Carrie & her team, you will not be disappointed.
    Crystal P
  • 5 stars
    I happened up on Carrie as I was looking for someone to help my wife and myself set up a trust. I had been advised, by doctors, to make sure that I had things set to fall into place as I wished if something were to happen, as I was having some health issues. Carrie just popped up on Facebook one day after I had done a search to find someone that could and would help us to get things in order. I thought you kinda only get one shot at getting this right, and after something happens, you don’t get a redo. After watching her podcast (recommended), I told my wife to make the appointment and after watching a podcast or two, she also believed that I had found a Gem. We made the appointment, and then we started the homework. Yes, she does want and need to know your history, present day situation, and what you see in your families future; as well as what you want out of your remaining years. It is a considerable amount of time and requires much thought. Don’t worry about it!!! Carrie will walk you through it and after your first meeting, things will start to take shape. She will open doors that you probably didn’t even know existed. (She sure did for me!) We have the beginnings of a living trust in place now. Remember what we did is a “living trust”, it can and will change as our situation changes. From the first time we met Carrie, and her staff, I felt better about the future of my family. Look at it this way, you have nothing to loose, as the first visit is free, and so much to gain, both monetarily and mentally, because she and her staff will motivate you and give you the since of urgency that is required to finish strong… Good luck in your quest for peace of mind.
    Chip S
  • 5 stars
    I was referred to Carrie by a friend. My wife and I knew we needed to review, and update our financial planning and wills. After our first consultation, we were ready to let her go to work for us. She is knowledgeable, caring, and and was able to give us options and guidance in preparing for our financial future. We have been pleased with our experience with the Quraishi Law Firm.
    Gordon M
  • 5 stars
    A family member had a lawyer put a Will together back in the 90s, and we watched as her plans for her children fell through the “loophole cracks” because the lawyer also spent time in court with a vast array of other clients, not just focusing on retirement issues, tax issues and life planning. So, we put off our estate planning because we just couldn’t feel like we trusted an attorney to focus on our planning needs, instead of pulling a form off the internet and telling us to fill in the blanks. If you are THINKING of getting your affairs in order, start watching Carrie’s videos & read her book, “Smart, Simple Wealth”, and then schedule a meeting to get to know her! She will cover things that you couldn’t even imagine might be an issue. We feel like the weight of the world has been lifted from our shoulders! She knows her stuff. She’s thorough. Her Quraishi Law group is comprised of polite & diligent people.
    Shonna S
  • 5 stars
    Carrie Quraishi's Law Firm was highly recommended to us by our Financial Planner for Estate Planning. We can honestly say that the firm went above and beyond our expectations. They were very quick to respond to any questions we had and guided us through the process with extreme care. We would highly recommend them for your Estate Planning needs.
    Gayle Q
  • 5 stars
    Had the best service from the Quraishi Law Firm! Very happy we had them for our estate planning. Highly recommend them to everyone!
    Barbara M
  • 5 stars
    After several unfortunate experiences of attempting to find a compatible EP & Wealth Attorney who would address my concerns and committed to having my interest(s) protected. It was a relief to come across Quraishi Law Firm, and while working with Attorney Carrie and her staff would go the extra mile to make sure their clients’ needs to reflect their wishes. During the process, I felt at ease and legally protected upon completion of the process and reassured that my Estate Planning Portfolio captured everything that might be important. Hence, without a doubt, I would highly recommend Quraishi Law Firm and Wealth Management. Thank you for your patience and exemplary customer service!!!
    J. A
  • 5 stars
    After setting up their estate plan, my parents referred me to Ms. Quraishi. I found her to be organized and thorough. In addition, she was very empathic when guiding us through stressful decisions. I have referred her to friends and other family members. Unfortunately, my father has passed away, and his plans were executed quickly due to Ms. Quraishi’s meticulous work. I am comforted to know my own plan will work as well for my child.
  • 5 stars
    Extremely knowledgable and answered all of my questions in a timely manner. There are so many things about estate planning you don't find out until it is too late, so I am so pleased that Carrie has protected and prepared my family for the future.
    Britt B
  • 5 stars
    The Quraishi team provided my wife and I a high quality trust document that covered all of our concerns from asset protection to guardianship. The whole process took about a month from start to finish but the end product was very detailed and exceeded our expectation. The team was very responsive to all of our questions and concerns and the price was quite reasonable. I would definitely recommend Quraishi to others.
    Douglas L
  • 5 stars
    Carrie set up a trust & will for my wife's mother. She was very good with her. Explained things very good.
    Randal A
  • 5 stars
    I'm a lawyer too, but I practice in a different field. Having Carrie Quraishi and her team take care of my plan gives me tremendous peace of mind that my documents are correct and that my estate is being handled properly and professionally.
    Valerie J
  • 5 stars
    I had a set of complex legal documents that needed revision. The lawyers who originally prepared the documents gave me a rather expensive estimate for revising their work. Carrie Quraishi gave me the same service at a far lower price, as well as putting in needed changes to meet the requirements of a management firm. She has developed her consulting technique to the point that most of the consulting is done on the phone or online, so you don't spend unnecessary time in traveling. Also, she was freely available for corrections and questions. I like the fact that you can pay extra and have a guarantee that any necessary changes in the future will be done at no charge. Carrie and her staff are friendly, knowledgeable and easy to work with.
    Ronald B
  • 5 stars
    Our relationship with Carrie started about 5 years ago, when she came to our development to explain the value inherent in trusts. She delivered a very poignant message about protecting not only our investments, but also protecting our legacy for our girls and their children after we pass. She quietly detailed a personal issue the impacted a friend of hers who lost all her mother's investments after the mother died, and her second husband inherited all the money from the dead mother's accounts; and subsequently cut Carrie's friend out of the inheritance. This story hit home with us, as a couple of our girls are in second marriages. Dealing with Carrie was such a delight, she took whatever time we needed to be comfortable with her suggestions, listened to our questions, and she and her staff went to great lengths making us comfortable with our decisions. Her staff is very friendly, and VERY client focused, and they did all the heavy lifting to move our investments in our trust. Finally, I think that the best thing about dealing with Carrie is that she is ALWAYS available when I have a question. Dealing with her and her team is probably one of the best decisions that you can make to keep your investments and inheritance wishes intact.
    Francis F
  • 5 stars
    Quraishi Law Firm helped me set up a Will and Family trust and we are diligently working on securing other assets such as my small business and for my retirement needs. It’s a long process but every step is necessary to make sure my hard earnings are protected.
    Michael A
  • 5 stars
    Carrie built on the estate planning we had in place. Her combination of estate planning and wealth management skills have provided more confidence in our plan than with previous advisors. She tailors her involvement with clients needs.
    Robert C
  • 5 stars
    I needed to set up a trust for daughter to make sure everything I had worked so hard for over the years would go to her with as little pain and anguish as possible. A friend recommended me to Carrie Quraishi. What a find!! It is always great to work with a real professional. Carrie was patient, thorough and complete. She helped me to make decisions I didn't even know I had to make. I put off establishing a trust due to ignorance and fear. When it came to working with Carrie "trust" is the feeling I left with.
    Gregory S